Join us for NAEA’s Biggest Event of the Year!
Salt Lake City, UT | July 28 – 30, 2025
Early bird pricing EXTENDED to 3/14/2025!
Speaker: Jane Ryder, EA, CPA
Price: Free for Members | $60 for Nonmembers
The new Form 7217 will be filed by any partner receiving a distribution of property from a partnership (non-liquidating or liquidating) to report the basis of the distributed property, including any basis adjustment required by section 732(a)(2) or (b). This reporting may involve more than simply determining the relative values of the partner’s basis in the partnership versus the partnership’s basis in the property and whether or not the value of the property has appreciated or declined. Generally, the partner’s K-1 will report property distributions in Box 19, code C or possibly a Section 732(d) statement if related party rules apply.
Learning Objectives:
As part of NAEA’s Free CE offerings for members, this session provides valuable insights at no cost to our members. NAEA webinars cover key topics and strategies to support your professional growth and enhance your practice. Stay tuned for additional details and registration information—we look forward to seeing you there!
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